a retreat for grieving adults and those who accompany them
Retreat Leaders
With lived experience in grief and professional experience in silent, monastic retreats, the weekend leaders bring practical tools and compassionate hearts to this weekend of intentional processing.
Facilitators: Naomi & David WengerNaomi is a Spiritual Director, Spiritual Direction Supervisor, Retreat Leader, and Grant Administrator for the Orienting With the Word program at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.
David is a massage therapist, spiritual director, and amateur builder. His current building adventure is the renovation of a 100 year old house. Until recently, Naomi and David were co-directors of The Hermitage, a contemplative retreat center near Three Rivers. They now live in Three Rivers with their dog, Flora. They have four adult children and one grandchild. |
Retreat Coordinator: Cheryl MastCheryl has served as Coordinator of Outdoor & Environmental Education at Amigo since 2001. With a BA in Education (Goshen College), ten years of private and public school teaching, and almost 30 years of facilitating team-building initiatives, Cheryl thrives on opportunities to lead and teach outdoors. In her free time, she enjoys photography, gardening, wilderness trip camping and exploring the wonders of God's creation.